Income splitting definition

What is Income Splitting?

Income splitting reduces income taxes by transferring the income of a person in a higher marginal tax bracket to a person in a lower marginal tax bracket. The income splitting strategy is typically employed within a family, in order to lower the aggregate income tax paid by the family as a group. This approach is also effective for shifting taxable income between spouses, if they are filing tax returns separately and there is a large income gap between them.

The income splitting concept can also be applied to tax credits. For example, the tuition credits available to a student can be shifted to a higher-income parent when the parent funds the college education of the student.

Income splitting does not work when all family members are subject to the same marginal tax rate.

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Example of Income Splitting

A parent who earns enough to be in a high tax bracket employs his daughter, who is in a low tax bracket. The payments made to the daughter are a business expense to the parent, thereby reducing his net taxable income. The payments made to the daughter are taxed at her much lower marginal tax bracket.