Confidence game definition

What is a Confidence Game?

A confidence game is a situation in which a swindler gains the confidence of a wealthy victim and then uses his position of trust to convince the victim to hand over a large amount of cash in exchange for the promise of a “sure thing” investment.

Examples of a Confidence Game

One example of a confidence game is when, after gaining the victim’s confidence by faking a series of small investment wins, a swindler prevails upon the victim to give him a large amount of money for a supposed investment, and instead keeps the money. In another confidence game, the swindler creates a fake brokerage operation that uses fake stock quotations to convince the person to place large investments - which the swindler then walks away with.

How to Conduct a Confidence Game

The key stages in a confidence game are as follows:

  1. Give the victim an opportunity to profit from a scheme.

  2. Give the victim a small payout from the scheme, to trigger his greed.

  3. Trigger a crisis that requires the victim to act at once, putting more money into the scheme.

  4. Take the cash and disappear.

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